Wednesday, March 12, 2008

ANNA (hands)

I just about flipped out this morning when I saw this. I was working at home this morning, and Anna was drawing on the floor. She said "Look papa! I drew my hands!" We've been working on tracing her hands, and she's definitely getting good at it, but this is the best that I'd ever seen her write her name. It's very exciting.

Anna says: "Um, I made that by myself. OK? I wrote my name all by myself. It was on my Magna-doodle."

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fun with Papa

Anna and I drove up northwest of Chicago for me to do a talk on art for the high/middle school youth groups from our church. We got up there really early so I decided to look for a place for Anna to burn off some energy. I saw no McDonalds, but there was an old mall, so I thought we'd explore. This is what we found, and had a marvelous time!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Art Star

Karen has a friend named Sally Gulde. Sally is a fantastic photographer. She's even won an award. Perhaps you've heard of it? Does Grammy ring a bell? Here's their Christmas card this year:

I kind of flipped out when I saw this card. No mere amateur makes a card like this from scratch.

Sally agreed to take a new head shot of Karen as she anticipates an upcoming audition or two. They actually met at the Oak Park public library to take the shots. Apparently it offers some really nice natural lighting. Well, in addition to the head shots Sally snapped several pictures of Anna and Karen frolicking around. Here's the Flickr set from their session.

This one of Anna might just be my favorite picture of all time. How I helped produce such a cool kid I will never know...